Fundamentals of Internet of Things
Question Bank
Part AWhat is the role of things and internet in IoT?
Define Physical Freemium.
Which of the communication protocols are used by IoT?
Define MQTT.
Define 802.11-WiFi.
What is a Transmission Strategy?
Define Smart Agriculture.
What is IoT connectivity?
Distinguish Product versus service business.
Define Actuator.
Why do IoT Systems have to be Self-adapting and self-configuring?
What is a Digital Lock-in?
Define RFID.
Explain FTP Protocol.
Explain Core competence analytics.
What is a wireless sensor network?
What do you mean by data acquisition?
Define cloud computing as per National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Draw and explain about IoT architecture
List and describe the IoT applications
What are the challenging issues of IoT
Explain different characteristics of IoT
Describe physical design of IoT
Enlighten different IoT Protocols.
Explain about application layer protocols of IoT
Explain about transport layer protocols of IoT
Explain about network layer protocols of IoT
Explain about physical layer protocols of IoT
What is function block of IoT and explain
Describe about IoT communication models with their APIs
What are the IoT enabling technologies, explain in details
What is transducer and explain with neat diagram
List the different types of sensors with their applications
List the different types of actuators with their applications
Explain about sensor characteristics
Differentiate passive and active sensors
Differentiate analog and digital sensors
Describe about functional components of IoT
Explain about IoT service oriented architecture
Explain about IoT associative technologies
List and explain about functionality based IoT protocol organization
What is MQTT and describe the functionality and applications of MQTT
Explain about COAP with their applications
What is XMMP and describe the functionality and applications of XMMP
What is AMQP and write about frame types of AMQP
List and explain about communication protocols of IoT
What are the IEEE 802.15.4 variants and types
What is Zigbee and write advantages of Zigbee
Explain about Zigbee components and types
What is 6LoWPAN and explain about functionality and applications of 6LoWPAN
Explain about routing mechanisms of 6LoWPAN
Differentiate between Wireless HART Vs Zigbee
Describe about Z Wave protocol
Explain about ISA 100.11A protocol
Describe about Bluetooth wireless technology with protocol stack and their modes
What is wireless sensor network? Discuss the benefits and limitations of wireless sensor networks.
What is NFC write about NFC working principle and specifications
What is RFID write about RFID working principle and specifications
What is sensor network and explain about WSN components
Describe about node behavior and types of WSN
Explain about the advanced message queuing protocol.
Explain the constrained application protocol (CoAP).
Write a note on M2M communication with their applications and features
Explain Modified OSI Stack for the IoT/M2M Systems.
Describe about M2M ecosystem and M2M service platform
Differentiate between IoT and M2M
What is interoperability and explain about interoperability in IoT
Write a note on user and device interoperability in IoT
Explain about arduino programming with the different types of arduino boards
Sketch arduino programming for LED blinking
Sketch arduino programming for traffic control system
Sketch about integration arduino with sensor and actuator
How do IoT devices communicate? Explain with suitable diagrams
List the standard types of python, and demonstrate them
Write about file operations in python with examples
Write python program for working with CSV file
Describe about image file processing in python
Explain about python socket programming with suitable example
What is Raspberry Pi and explain about capabilities and specifications of Raspberry Pi
Explain about basic setup of Raspberry Pi
Develop Raspberry Pi application for blinking LED
Design Raspberry Pi application for image and movie capturing
Develop Raspberry Pi application for temperature dependent auto cooling system
Implement Raspberry Pi application for remote data logging
What is SDN and explain about SDN architecture and basic components
Describe about SDN challenging issues with rule placement
Describe about SDN challenging issues with controller placement
What are APIs in SDN and explain them in detail
Explain about benefits of integrating SDN in IoT
Describe SDN approaches for mobile networking
What are the 7V’s characteristics of big data
Explain about cloud service and deployment models with examples
Explain about data flow process with neat diagram
Explain about data handling using Hadoop
Describe about HDFS for data handling
What is data analytics and describe about data analysis types
Describe about statistical model in data analytics
What is ANOVA explain about it
Explain about regression analysis
What is data dispersion describe it
Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative analysis
Explain about general and essential characteristics of cloud computing
List and explain about components of cloud computing
Explain about CloudSim and CloudAnalyst simulators
Differentiate between sensor cloud and wireless sensor network
Describe about management issues in sensor cloud
Write about stages of data fusion in IoT
IoT implementation process in agriculture fields
IoT implementation process in health care
IoT implementation process in activity monitoring system