Monday, April 17, 2017

Web Technologies Important Questions


1 What is PHP?
2 What is the difference between $name and $$name?
3 What are the differences between Get and post methods.
4 How can we create a database using PHP and MySQL?
5 What is the use of header() function in PHP ?
6 How can we get second of the current time using date function?
7 List out the predefined classes in PHP?
8 What type of inheritance that PHP supports?
9 What are the advantages/disadvantages of MySQL and PHP?
10 What is the difference between PHP and JavaScript?

1Define XML? What are the advantages of xml?
2 List the XML syntax rules in detail.
3 Define an xml scheme show how an XML Scheme can be created?
4 Explain a brief note on XML parsers?
5 Define how it is different from HTML?
6 Explain the purpose of XML schema?
7 List out the advantages of schema over DTD?
8 Explain about XML parsing done with SAX?
9 List out the three flavours of Document Type declaration?
10 Distinguish between SAX AND DOM?

1 List out difference between web server and application server?
2 Which HTTP method is non-idempotent?
3 Explain difference between GET and POST method?
4 List out MIME Types?
5 Discuss the web application and what is its directory structure?
6 Explain about Servlet?
7 List out various phases of Servlet life cycle?
8 Build a Servlet program to illustrate parameter reading and parameter initializing. ?
9 Explain how to override service () method?
10 List the methods defined in HttpServletRequest?
11 How do you get ServletContext reference inside Servlet?
12 Which open source tag library have you used?
13 What are the differences between GET and POST method in HTTP protocol?
14 List different types of statements in JDBC?
15 Explain different types of JDBC drivers?

1 What are the differences between custom JSP tags and Serlets?
2 Explain the difference between JSP include directive and JSP include action.
3 Explain about Scriptlet tag?
4 Explain how to use JavaBeans from JSP pages.
5 Explain about various implicit objects?
6 How many JSP scripting elements and what are they?
7 How JSP pages the preferred API for creating a web-based client program?
8 Define Tag library descriptor (TLD)?
9 Explain the categories of JSP tags - Directives, Scripting elements, Actions?
10 List out differences between including action and include directive in JSP?
11 How do you define application wide error page in JSP?
12 Explain how to load the drivers?
13 Explain how to insert an image file (or other raw data) into a database?
14 List the Java packages which contains JDBC classes and interfaces, Java.SQL, Javax.SQL
15 Define how to open a database connection using JDBC.

1 Explain how to embed JavaScript code in an HTML document.
2 Define arrays in JavaScript?
3 List the differences between Client side JavaScript Server side JavaScript?
4 Define how to create a Date Object?
5 Explain dynamic html? What is the main difference between DHTML and HTML?
6 Explain the various control statements available with JavaScript.
7 Explain about a function using function constructor?
8 Explain about the Accessing Elements using JavaScript?
9 Define a boolean operator that a JavaScript support?
10 Explain about String object in JavaScript?


1 What are the different types of errors in PHP?
2 What is the functionality of the function strstr and stristr?
3 Explain about various data types in PHP. Understand
4 Explain about Arrays in PHP.
5 List and Explain the string functions in PHP.
6 List the statements that are used to connect PHP with MySQL.
7 How PHP is different from PHP Script? Explain.
8 Explain PHP form processing with an example.
9 How can I retrieve values from one database server and store them in other database server using PHP?
10 What are the differences between Get and post methods in form submitting. Give the case where we can use get and we can use post methods?

1 Explain and show how XML is useful in defining data for web applications.
2 Explain the various terms related to Document Type Definition.
3 Design an XML schema for hospital information management. Include every feature available with schema.
4 Explain how styling XML with cascading style sheets is done for the library information domain.
5 List and Explain the important features of XML which make it more suitable than HTML for creating web related services.
6 Define an xml scheme to show how an XML Scheme can be created
7 Define Attributes in XML .Also different types of attributes
8 List the elements in XML .Also different types of content of Elements.
9 How do you define the elements of an XML document in an XML Schema?
10 How do you set default and fixed values for simple Elements?

1 Define a session tracker that tracks the number of accesses and last access data of a particular web page.
2 What is the security issues related to Servlets.
3 Explain how HTTP POST request is processed using Servlets
4 Explain how cookies are used for session tracking?
5 Explain about Tomcat web server.
6 What is Servlet? Explain life cycle of a Servlet?
7 What are the advantages of Servlets over CGI
8 What is session tracking? Explain different mechanisms of session tracking?
9 What is the difference between Servlets and applets?
10 What is the difference between doGet() and doPost()?

1 Explain about the JSP processing
2 Explain the mechanism to include resources dynamically and to forward request to other JSPs?
3 Explain about JSP Elements?
4 List the different Action Tags used in JSP with their functionality
5 Explain the types of Scripting tags and Directive tags in JSP.
6 Explain about the usage of JavaBean Component in JSP.
7 Explain briefly about the Problem with Servlets
8 Describe the Anatomy of JSP Page
9 Explain the MVC architecture and write a JSP program which prints the current date?
10 List the types of JSP Implicit Objects.
11 How application data can be shared in JSP. Explain.
12 Explain sharing and application data in JSP application Development
13 List the methods in request object.
14 Explain about the JSP Directive Elements? Explain each one of them in detail?
15 Explain JSP application design with suitable example?

1 Build a JavaScript program to convert distance in kilometers, miles to meters or inches.
2 Build a java script to verify a phone number, email-id and date formats.
3 Compare and contrast HTML and DHTML with suitable examples.
4 Explain the need for scripting languages in web programming.
5 Explain the features of Java Script.
6 What is JavaScript? Write the features of JavaScript?
7 Write JavaScript to open a new window
8 Explain any three objects of JavaScript
9 What is form validation? Explain with example?
10 What is an event? How can we handle events in JavaScript?


1 List and Explain PHP development framework
2 Explain about database connectivity with PHP with suitable examples.
3 How strings are declared in PHP? Explain string operators.
4 How array is declared in PHP. Also explain various types of array with proper examples.
5 Build simple calculator using PHP.
6 Build a program using PHP that creates the web application for result publication
7 Build application to send a email using PHP
8 Build a shopping cart application using PHP with use of cookies.
9 Explain about the control statements in PHP with example.
10 Explain about cookies in PHP with example.

1 Build an XML File using the following information structure including DTD section appropriately:-
Note:    a) Inventory_Item has an attribute namely id (Required).
            b) Inventory_Item, Item & Sales can be Empty too.
            c) Item has 3 attributes namely id (Required), qty & price.
Sales has an attribute namely ids
2 Convert the given information into a XML file and then convert this XML File data into HTML file as it is.
Roll No

3 Define the Document type Definition (DTD) in XML. What is difference between Internal and External DTD?
4 What do you mean by XML? What are its Differences and similarities from HTML & CSS? Also explain the concept of Entities & Attributes in XML?
5 Build a document with two links to an external document. The first link should lead to the beginning of the external document. The second link should lead to a particular section in the external document.
6 How to write and read XML documents and How XML structures documents?
7 How and why XML was developed. typical applications of XML, with examples
8 Build XSLT code to display Employee details in a table from which is stored in XML.
9 Explain how data types are represented in XML Schema.
10 Get the students details like name, register number and mark using form. Generate DTD for this XML document.

            Generate the collected information in the descending order of marks using XSLT. Results should be displayed in the above format. Write a source code and explain the same.

1 Build a Servlet that generates HTML page and explain the process of generation of HTML page.
2 List and explain the classes and interfaces of javax.servlet.http package.
3 Build a Servlet that handles HTTP get Request
4 Describe about session tracking with relevant code snippet.
5 Servlet offer several advantage . Justify.
6 Explain about Security Issues in Servlet
7 Explain about Servlet? Explain lifecycle of a Servlet. Illustrate with an example program.
8 Build a Servlet program to illustrate parameter reading and parameter initializing.
9 Explain Cookies session tracking with relevant code snippet.
10 List the methods defined in HttpServletRequest.

1 Explain about the JSP processing
2 Explain the mechanism to include resources dynamically and to forward request to other JSPs?
3 Explain about JSP Elements?
4 List the different Action Tags used in JSP with their functionality
5 Explain the types of Scripting tags and Directive tags in JSP.
6 Interpret about the usage of JavaBeans Component in JSP.
7 Describe the Anatomy of JSP Page
8 Describe the MVC architecture and write a JSP program which prints the current date?
9 Explain JSP application design with suitable example?
10 Explain about JSP with a Bean in the session scope.


1 Build a JavaScript to analyze a subject code for subject in a semester. The subject code may be visualized like 12 CS 43 where '12' represents year of syllabus, 'CS'  indicates the engineering and '4' gives the semester details as 4 them , and "3" gives the subject information.
2 Build a JavaScript that displays the as per the following: (calculates the squares and cubes of the numbers from 0 to 10)
3 Insert an image into a webpage. Build a script which displays a message when the mouse is over the image.
4 Interpret how JavaScript can handle the events?
5 Build a Web page ,which accept user information and user comments on the web site to check if all the Text fields have being entered with data else display an alert.
6 Build a JavaScript which accepts the text in lower case and displays the text in uppercase.
7 Build a java script to validate a form consisting of user name .Also navigate to another web pages after navigation
8 Build a java script that read four integers and display the largest and displays the largest and smallest integers from the given integers.
9 Build a java Script program to determine whether a given number is an Armstrong number or not.
10 Build a JavaScript that reads list of ten numbers and displays the count of negative numbers, the count of positive numbers and the count of zeros from the list.